Sportsmaster (DC Classics) Platinum Edition

Sportsmaster (DC Classics) Platinum Edition
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Chase Variant 7" Figure
Lawrence Crock™ could turn his hand to any sport, but his obsession with winning saw him cripple a football player, ending his professional career. Instead, he turned to crime, attempting to rob a polo match, before adopting a costumed identity: Sportsmaster. Crock joined the Injustice Society™ and struck up a fruitful partnership—criminal and romantic—with Huntress (originally Tigress™).
SKU: 17283How do EQL launches work?Free to enterOne entry per personNo botsThe EQLizer
Chase Variant 7" Figure
Lawrence Crock™ could turn his hand to any sport, but his obsession with winning saw him cripple a football player, ending his professional career. Instead, he turned to crime, attempting to rob a polo match, before adopting a costumed identity: Sportsmaster. Crock joined the Injustice Society™ and struck up a fruitful partnership—criminal and romantic—with Huntress (originally Tigress™).
SKU: 17283