Sergeant Rock (DC Classic) McFarlane Collector Edition Platinum

Sergeant Rock (DC Classic) McFarlane Collector Edition Platinum
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Chase Variant 7" Figure
McFarlane Collector Edition #14 - Platinum Edition
Always at the vanguard of WWII's bloodiest battles, SERGEANT ROCK shepherded EASY COMPANY from the beaches of Normandy into the heartland of Germany. The quintessential soldier, Frank followed orders and got the job done swiftly and efficiently, witnessing extraordinary events during wartime, even the presence of super-powered beings on the battlefield. In later years, Frank most clearly recalls the horror of seeing men on both sides and an endless parade of greenhorns get maimed or killed. When hostilities ceased, Frank stayed a soldier, serving his country as both educator and clandestine agent.
SKU: 17097-CHASEHow do EQL launches work?Free to enterOne entry per personNo botsThe EQLizer
Chase Variant 7" Figure
McFarlane Collector Edition #14 - Platinum Edition
Always at the vanguard of WWII's bloodiest battles, SERGEANT ROCK shepherded EASY COMPANY from the beaches of Normandy into the heartland of Germany. The quintessential soldier, Frank followed orders and got the job done swiftly and efficiently, witnessing extraordinary events during wartime, even the presence of super-powered beings on the battlefield. In later years, Frank most clearly recalls the horror of seeing men on both sides and an endless parade of greenhorns get maimed or killed. When hostilities ceased, Frank stayed a soldier, serving his country as both educator and clandestine agent.
SKU: 17097-CHASE