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Reverse Flash (New 52) Platinum Edition

Reverse Flash (New 52) Platinum Edition
How do EQL launches work?Free to enterOne entry per personNo botsThe EQLizer
Free to enter
One entry per person
No bots
The EQLizer
Chase Variant 7" Figure
Like The Flash, Daniel West gained his amazing powers of speed following an accident. However, unlike his nemesis, West became the Reverse-Flash, using his powers for his own selfish needs. The speedster cared little for those who had to die to help him accomplish his ultimate goal—to use the Speed Force to alter his own past.
SKU: 17263How do EQL launches work?Free to enterOne entry per personNo botsThe EQLizer
Free to enter
One entry per person
No bots
The EQLizer
Chase Variant 7" Figure
Like The Flash, Daniel West gained his amazing powers of speed following an accident. However, unlike his nemesis, West became the Reverse-Flash, using his powers for his own selfish needs. The speedster cared little for those who had to die to help him accomplish his ultimate goal—to use the Speed Force to alter his own past.
SKU: 17263